Wednesday 14 November 2012

I am watching 48 things on eBay. Obsessed.

So Iv been a bit naughty and been watching lots of goodies on eBay the past week or so, One of them being this lovely tartan coat. Iv noticed tartan creeping back in fashion, I don't personally think i can pull off a lot of red tartan but definitely can pull off the blue/green. I have been watching this little number for about 4 days, waiting for the right moment.. And Shazammm. . £3.25 later, its all mine. Lovely.


  1. I had banned myself from ebay as I'm crazy obsessed too, & this post has made me worried that I'm gonna miss out on things like this. Hey presto, I'm back in the magical world of bidding.

    - clothes, shoes & boys with tattoos
    K, xo
